CodeIgniter Hosting
Šta je CodeIgniter?
CodeIgniter je PHP web framework visokih preformansi. CodeIgniter je i nezahtevan ali i user-friendly za rad sa njim. Pruža kao i svi drugi ubrzan rad i razvitak aplikacija i pomoć ukoliko ponavljate funkcije. Odličan je ako želite nešto da napravite od samog početka. Ne zahteva nikakvu konfiguraciju takođe developeri obožavaju njegovu brzinu i preformanse za razliku od drugih frameworkova.
CodeIgniter prednosti
CodeIgniter pruža solidan broj pogodnosti koji su mu omogućili da postane jedan od popularnijih frameworkova danas.
- CodeIgniter je nezahtevan i brz
- Podržava solidan broj baza uključujući i MySQL, PostgreSQL i SQLite
- Auto form validaciju
- Model-view-controller (MVC) sistem
- Proširiv je sa bioblitekama
- Lagan prelaz sa proceduralonog ka OOP
- XSS filtracija i bezbednost
- SEO friendly URL
- Menadžment sesija
Super fast WebHosting
Free SSL and included automatically for every domain on the hosting.
LiteSpeed Web Server
One of the best web servers in the world right now. It speeds up your site like no other plugin or solution has ever done.
Trusted Email
Regular backup
Regular backup is the basis when it comes to websites, you never know when you might need it.
PHP versions
You are in control of which domain will use which PHP version.
Premium protection for your site. The safest place on the internet.
NodeJS + NPM
NodeJS and NPM for professionals and real JS developers.
Developer friendly. WP-CLI Already ready on account.
Developer friendly. Composer as well as wp-cli available on packages with SSH access.
Free transfer
Free transfer of your site on the same day. No downtime and no errors.
LiveChat support
Huge resources
On every package you get huge resources at your disposal. More than 90% users do not even reach half of the available resources on the account.